Sharing is Caring

Writing a blog (and expecting people to read it) is just about the most self-indulgent thing you can do…

I tried to think of some immensely wanky thing to compare it to in the hope of achieving a cheap laugh, but I couldn’t. Which proves that writing a blog is the wankiest thing you could ever do. It’s just science. Thought science.

My point, by way of this meandering introduction, is to say that I want to give something back. Not necessarily anything of worth. But something all the same. Like a gift from a five year old after craft class.

I keep a book of notes. A notebook, if you will. Yes, it’s a Moleskine, and, yes, I realise how cliched and embarrassing that it is. But I chose it because it’s small and, that way, I can hide it and get it out to use out of prying eyes. It’s sort of a chicken/egg scenario. Moleskine-embarrassing-need small notebook-buy Moleskine-embarrassing. I keep it somewhere dark and small, so that people don’t see it. I’m not going to tell you where that is, but I’ll give you a clue — it’s not my ass.

I some times write ideas for stories or articles, quotes, words I think are interesting, cryptic crossword clues, fart jokes.

What follows are a series of things I have written down but will probably never do anything with. Though you’ll will probably never do anything with them, feel free to. There’s no copyright over an idea, and if you develop what I’ve written beyond these tiny snippets, it’d be hard to argue that this is copying a substantial part of the small artistic works (legal definition) listed below. (That was for the law students.)

These are quoted verbatim from the notebook

  • A story about a guy who finds out he is three years older than he thinks he is
    • I have no idea why I thought that would be interesting. It could probably be completed pretty quickly. “I’m actually 27? Damn it.
  • “Article on origami – Fun with paper & don’t have to write”
    • This sounds like the dribblings of a dyslexic 12 year old with severe ADD.
  • “Amputee magician – only has one arm. Act called ‘slight of hand’.”
    • Actually, I’m pretty happy with that one. I’m claiming that.
    • Maybe there’s more magic in there.
    • The rest are MINE. ALL MINE. YOU’VE HAD ENOUGH

One thought on “Sharing is Caring

  1. Daisy says:

    I would post good money to see Slight of Hand.

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